free design service
shipping worldwide
Design made in Germany
+49 2423 / 9045670

Would you like to have your own product designed?

Our graphic designers can design items according to your wishes. It is important to note that requests for changes must be submitted before placing an order. We will add your desired/requested product to the online shop & then send you a new link. You are then welcome to place an order.

If your request is about an article which is already in our catalouge please tell us the number.
Please formulate your request here in as much detail as possible. If there is an article number. If there is something that your query relates to, please let us know directly. If necessary, attach images to make editing easier.
Approved file extensions: jpg,png,svg,jpeg,pdf
Valid file size: 5.72 MB
Max. number: 3
Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.
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Or take a look at already customizable products:

Customizable products with your picture
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